Vitamin D deficiency: Signs and symptoms
Vitamin D deficiency is one of the most common health problems faced.
There are many factors that can lead to vitamin D deficiency:
- Using excess of sunscreen and blocking the sunlight to reach your skin.
- Residing in an area that has a high percentage of pollution.
- Spending more time indoors.
- Not eating vitamin D-rich foods.
- Living in buildings that block sunlight.
Signs and symptoms of vitamin D deficiency
- Tiredness, aches and pain and a general sense of not feeling too well.
- Severe pain in the bone and muscles or general weakness that may cause difficulty in climbing the stairs or getting up from the floor or a low-chair or something as simple as walking till a stretch.
- In severe cases, fracture, especially in your thighs, pelvis and hips.
- Excessive hair loss.
- Wounds that take a lot of time to heal.
- Depression symptoms.
- Having digestive issues.
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