Liver, our bodies chemical factory is responsible in breaking down toxins in the bloodstream and to eliminate them through the excretory system. Already a hard worker we strain this organ by ingesting various harmful substances like alcohol into the body. There is even a condition known as Non-Alcoholic Liver Disease that can be caused by consuming products with added sugar, fried foods, excess salt, and red meat. These things have been shown to cause liver damage over time. Raisin water is an excellent liver tonic to drain the accumulated toxins, and that too in a tasty way.
According to the University of Barkley, raisins have nearly three times the antioxidant capacity of red and green grape and are one of the richest sources of antioxidants of all foods. This is because when fruits are dried, the compounds are greatly concentrated. Drinking raisin water heightens the grape and the raisin’s ability to cleanse the liver as it moves quickly through the digestive system , loaded with antioxidants that clear the toxins out.
This detox-drink is also super easy to prepare. Just soak some raisins in a glass of water overnight and drink the strained water early morning on empty stomach.
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