You have gone through many theories over the World Wide Web about how you can get shredded in less time. But you know, it is only up to you how you are managing the things and executing in your daily life.
There are many artificial ways or supplements present in this modern era by which you can get the body which you have dreamt of but you should always opt for something that you can maintain whole life without making a hole in your pocket.
Have you heard of this famous saying: Abs are made in the kitchen?
Well, it is absolutely true.
Getting shredded is the process of building muscles and losing fat simultaneously.
It can be concluded that a clean diet and hard workout result into six packs abs.
Sounds interesting, right?
Achieving a shredded body requires hard-work, determination, and dedication.
Here are 11 tips that you can to achieve a six pack physique you are dreaming of from a long time.
1. Train hard to build muscle
If you are looking to get shredded, then you need to build up the muscles by reducing the fat along with it.
The more you burn fat, the more ripped you will look. You can get the better results by increasing the lean mass. Heavy lifting with low reps is recommended to carve your abs .
TIP: In addition to weight training or heavy lifting, you should focus on cardio sessions. It needs to be doubled. Yes, you heard it right. Keep it for 40-60 minutes.
2. Be focused about hydration
Just like a needle cannot work without thread in the same way muscles can’t be built with hydration.
If you want to get results at the fastest possible rate, drink water as much as you can. Hydration can assist you in many ways by increasing metabolism of fat, reducing food cravings, reducing chance of overeating, washing away toxins, etc,.
TIP: A person’s metabolism, diet, weight, and workout influence his /her hydration needs. You can judge hydration by observing the color of your urine. If it is clear or pale, you are doing completely well.
3. Watch your nutrition intake
You must have an eagle’s eye on portion intake. Your diet should be a combination of protein, carbs and calorie. Always keep your protein intake high to help muscles grow and avoid early hunger.
Don’t underestimate your portions because every calorie counts.
TIP: Always prefer to sauté your food in olive oil or avocado oil (if available). Avoid calorie bombers like alcohol, heavy dressings, fried food, or desserts when you choose to dine out.
4. Never skip pre and post workout meals
Every vehicle requires fuel to run smoothly and get refilled for your next ride. Likewise, pre and post workout meals act as a power booster for a body.
Without pre-workout meal, you won’t be able to do high intensity cardio and lift heavy weights that require a lot of power. Post workout meal is essential to repair your broken tissues, repairing muscles and repairing you for the next session of workout.
TIP: Don’t ever think of skipping the pre and post workout meals. Give a combination of protein and carbs as a fuel to your body.
5. Stressing less is the key
To achieve anything important in your life, your stress level should be low always. Stress causes metal tensions, sleepless nights, ignite alcohol intake and food cravings. Increase in stress level causes sudden spike in fat storing hormonal cortisol which results into muscle breakdown and increase in belly fat.
TIP: Indulge yourself in stress beating exercises. Do your favourite activities like reading, chatting with friends, or whatever you like the most. If you control stress, you can attain your goals faster.
6. Go on a cheat meal
Usually, people in the process of shredding avoid eating junk food and can last on diet meals for years. But this is really a myth that you cannot eat junk or cannot have cheat meals.
Cheat meals are good to increase your metabolism and maintain the body’s leptin (Leptin is a hormone that boosts metabolism in a human being) level.
TIP: You can eat that stuff which you are not consuming during your healthy diet plan. Maintain the gap of 15 days after having one cheat meal.
7. Reduce calorie intake for fat loss
Calorie intake is essential to watch whatever is your goal , and if your goal is to become shredded, then it is must observed very minutely.
It’s important not to completely cut calories from your diet because too low intake may end up in losing lean mass. On the other side, high intake of calories results into fat storage in the body.
TIP: To make the process of calorie reduction more sustainable, you need to keep an eye on low calorie intake till 3-4 weeks continuously. If you feel like starving and having trouble in following this diet, then increase the intake.
8. Sleep well to achieve results faster
Good sleep is the key to have a good control over your food and its selection.
When you are sleep deprived, your metabolic rate gets reduced which increases the chance of obesity. A sound sleep is essential to have control over your binge eating at night.
TIP: If you want to feel a good energy during workout, then don’t forget to have 7-8 hours of sleep.
9. Eat healthy fats in a controlled manner
Some people think that FAT means getting obese. It all depends on which diet you are following and which type of fat you are consuming.
Unless you are following high fat diet, KETO, you should observe your overall fat intake and focus fat loss.
TIP: Stick to unsaturated fats which are healthier and help you feel satisfied for longer.
10. Maintain salt intake in food
It is a fact that salt causes water retention in the body.
Do not completely remove sodium from your food. But the matter is to avoid any extra intake of sodium other than your meals.
TIP: Do not ever try to remove salt from your food. If you do this, your body will end up struggling to retain water.
11. Eliminate allergens from your meal plan
If you want to get shredded in very short span, you must eliminate dairy or other milk products from your diet plan.
Cut out the dairy and gluten based products completely to see sharp results. So, when you buy products from the market, it is preferable to read labels.
TIP: Add apple cider or pink salt for seasoning your food.
It’s all just a matter of dedication and determination. Whatever you do, always follow a disciplined approach.
Anyone who wants to succeed in getting shredded, it’s necessary to monitor your routine and follow the above points without missing any.
And here are we to shred all that calory.
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