Our culinary practices are an excellent example of how tradition influences the daily lives and well-being to suit the region and the weather conditions were we live. The method of preparing the food and the recipes have a huge impact to maintain the health of the people of a particular region. In the age of globalization food from different parts of the world are tried in the human system which brings a lot of agony primarily to the digestive tract followed by a trail of other ailments.
Indians are well-known for their extensive use of spice in meals. The Eskimos near the Northern circumpolar region eat only meat, and nothing else and are one of the healthiest men on the planet. The Mongolian diet too consists of heavy meat rich dishes. The plant rich diet of the regions were there are sufficient vegetations are often accompanied by a high tone of spices and flavours as the region may also have sufficient rain-fall to support the greenery.
This is North-West monsoon in India and heavy rains lashes the western coast of India, starting from the southern tip which welcomes the rain clouds from Arabian peninsula and then traverses its northern stride up to the coast of Gujarat.The Monsoon cuisine of the Kerala-Coromandal coast is of particular interest as it consists mainly of 6 spices-which helps people their to cope with misty-cold weather during the season. Those spices are Turmeric,Fenugreek,Pepper,Cumin,Garlic and Ginger.
Ginger and Garlic are frequently used in a combination in Southern cuisine and they are the best kinds of healers if you have any internal injuries such as ulcers the intake will reduce the internal injuries and also boost the ability to fight against the infections that are caused due to injuries.
Did you often find the issue of inflammation or pain within the stomach especially during monsoon? Fenugreek does a lot than just adding flavour to the food,it reduces the pain related to the digestive systems.
The common skin infections due to moist weather are mainly fungal infections.They are common to the internal body and skin so if you want beautiful skin and healthy body free from the horrifying fungal infection and patches it is these spice that makes you look good and feel healthy.
As we move out in monsoon the rainwater and the environment can cause several bacterial infections. But to get a relief form the infections turmerics, garlic, ginger are the common spices that is used in the food and served warm. The magical combination the spices pepper, fenugreek, and turmeric are necessary to regulate proper blood circulation for a body in monsoon. Garlic and ginger not only keeps the flu away but also the doctor away.
Foodborne diseases are seen when the food starts to decay if kept cooked for a day. Often cooked food is spoiled forming fungus and bacteria but the spices help in preventing foodborne diseases. The regions experiencing monsoon usually have a shortage of resources and the added spices helps foodborne diseases at bay, when food is served after a day.
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