Search engine Google honoured people who have been battling the ongoing coronavirus pandemic on the frontlines with an animated doodle, today .The ‘O’ in Google have been animated to feature doctors and other service people who strived every day to deliver essential services during the lockdown phase and after restrictions were eased.Google Doodle urges people to stay home and save lives. In the doodle, each letter of the word ‘Google’ describes a particular activity that one can indulge in while they stay at home to stop the spread of coronavirus.
The doodle features a chef, a doctor, a delivery person, a bus driver, a shopkeeper, a fire person, a teacher. The heart emoji in the middle expresses love and respect to all delivery personnel who have been working long hours to deliver essential goods to customers.If a user hovers the cursor over the doodle, a message is displayed saying: “To all coronavirus helpers, thank you.”
As COVID-19 continues to impact communities around the world, people are coming together to help one another now more than ever. The Doodle has been made available in North America, Canada, Brazil, South Africa, Kenya, Ghana, Senegal, Oman Pakistan, Morocco, Japan, Thailand, and many more countries.On August 5th, Google Doodle showed the letters of ‘Google’ wearing masks and maintaining physical distance from each other.
It said, ‘Wear a Mask and Save Lives’. Once you clicked on the doodle, you were taken to a ‘COVID-19 prevention’ landing page that listed various methods through which you can protect yourself from contracting coronavirus infection and prevent from spreading it to others.Back in April, Google honoured packaging, shipping, and delivery workers for their selfless service amid the nationwide lockdown with an animated illustration.The animated doodle showed the letter ‘G’ in ‘Google’ holding a package and sending love to a delivery truck that represents the letter ‘E’.
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