Indore: A horrifying incident happened in Madhya Pradesh after several people tested positive for Covid-19 even without giving their swab samples.People in Tana village of Madhya Pradesh’s Dhar district tested positive for Covid-19 even without offering their swab or blood samples, officials said .Guman Singh, a health department technician, decided to test the effectiveness of the laboratory where samples are sent for examination after he had heard several complaints of manipulations within the testing system.
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However, he had collected only four swab samples from the village, though the health department noted down the names of 15 others without even taking their samples since many of them were not in the village at that time.Singh admitted to have manipulated the samples and said that many villagers had been suspecting the accuracy of the tests.So, he sent 20 testing kits without swab samples to the laboratory. “Most of them had just been dipped in plain water,” Guman Singh told.
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