A stroke is an emergency medical condition where the brain cells die due to lack of oxygen and nutrients because of inadequate or interrupted blood flow to the brain. Strokes are also known as Cardiovascular Accident, Cardiovascular Insult, or Brain Attack.
How Can You Prevent Strokes?
Strokes are caused by arterial blockages, you can prevent a stroke by following a healthy lifestyle and cutting out unhealthy habits. Nearly 50% of strokes are preventable by controlling risk factors before they become a problem. Below are some tips on how to cut out an unhealthy lifestyle to avoid strokes:
- Lower your blood pressure: To avoid a stroke, you should control your blood pressure. A healthy person’s BP should be less than 140/90. You can achieve this by reducing your salt intake, avoiding high cholesterol foods like burgers, ice cream, and cheese, exercising more, and eating 4-5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day along with low-fat dairy and whole grains.
- Lose weight: Obesity and being overweight increase your chances of having a stroke. Ideally, your body mass index (BMI) should be 25 or less. Limit your calorie intake to 2000 a day depending on your BMI.
- Exercise regularly: Exercising not only helps in losing weight and lowering BP, but also helps in uplifting your mood, keeping you fit, and reduces the risk of strokes. Exercise five times a week for around 30 minutes, and keep the intensity moderate.
- Control blood sugar: Diabetes is a significant cause of stroke. If you have diabetes, you should maintain strict control over your blood sugar level through a combination of a healthy diet, medication, and exercise.
- Avoid alcohol and drugs: Completely avoid drug use, as it can cause a stroke. Try to avoid alcohol or consume it in moderation. Limit to one alcoholic drink a day if you want to avoid a stroke.
- Quit smoking: Smoking thickens your blood and causes plaque to build up inside your arteries. This causes blockages that result in a stroke. Quitting smoking is the most crucial lifestyle change that can significantly reduce your risk of having a stroke.Diagnosis and Treatment:
For ischemic strokes, the treatment involves removing the blockage in the artery and restoring blood flow to the brain. Drugs like aspirin or tissue plasminogen activator are administered to breakdown clots. Other treatment options include angioplasty, inserting arterial stents, and surgery to remove blockages. For hemorrhagic strokes, treatment involves stopping the bleeding in the brain and reducing the pressure. Treatment options include surgery and medication to stop the bleeding.
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