Eating a small handful of nuts most days of the week can offer you many health benefits and could even help you live longer according to some epidemiological studies. Eating nuts may help lower risk for certain diseases like some cancers and heart disease.
But too Much Sodium and Saturated Fat Eating too many peanuts can increase your sodium and saturated fat intakes. Opting for a 1/2-cup serving of chopped, oil-roasted and salted peanuts increases your saturated fat intake by 6.2 grams, and also raises your daily sodium intake by 230 milligrams.
Peanuts improve satiety and help maintain weight loss. Several studies have found that eating small amounts of nuts helps dieters lose weight; when nuts were allowed in their eating plans, they did not feel deprived. Studies have found eating peanuts five times a week decreased heart disease and reduced the risk of diabetes, gallbladder disease and colorectal cancer. Peanuts and peanut butter are included on the DASH diet eating plan, which helps lower blood pressure. A study published in Nutrition Research in 2013 suggests that because peanuts are so low in carbohydrates and so high in essential nutrients like protein and fiber, they can help maintain a healthy body mass index especially in children and young adults. You’re much more likely to feel full for longer after eating a handful of peanuts and this can also help prevent unhealthy snacking.
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