London: What happened in the life of a young woman who drank cola regularly for 27 years is shocking. The young woman’s experience was included in an English website that asked her to share her experiences about soft drink addiction. The woman says she lost 14 of her teeth after using cola for 27 consecutive years. She worked for the world-famous cola manufacturing company in London. The company provided the facility for the employees to drink as much cola as they wanted. The young woman drank large quantities of cola every day.
“I usually drink cola at the beginning of the shift at 6 am. Most brands are available to employees free of charge when working in a cola factory. I drank cola whenever I was thirsty.,” says the young woman. “I drink Diet Coke from the moment I wake up until I go to sleep. Five cans on a good day, seven cans on a bad day. My boyfriend jokes about my morning routine: wake up, pad to the kitchen. The sound of a can cracking; a hiss. Glug glug glug. Yes, every morning,” she added. Caffeine raises blood pressure levels. There were also problems with anxiety and stress. In addition, she lost 14 teeth during this period. The teeth were eroding. With this, she gave up cola and became accustomed to the water. At first, it was very difficult. She says she is now able to give up cola completely.
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