As the pandemic tightened, it was a great relief for many firms to shift their regular working mode to remote working mode. Initially it was exciting. But as days went by, people have become sick of working from home. This is mainly because of work and life imbalance and health problems. Many have complained of neck and shoulder pain, along with pain in the back, because of bad posture.
Work From Home option is for those people who have a laptop or personal computer at their homes. When a person sits regularly in a lounge chair or on their bed to use a system, it will surely do harm to their metabolic activities, eyes, neck, shoulders and even lead to Spinal dysfunction. In order to get rid off the neck and shoulder pain, it is important to maintain a healthy posture.
The first and foremost tip is that do not slouch. Sitting straight with your shoulders braced up will help you. Feel free to rotate the shoulder from time-to-time as well. Another tip is to keep the screen at least 45 cm away from your eyes. This will also facilitate easy movement of neck and shoulders.
When the neck and shoulder muscles are strained, it will lead to a more serious muscle tear. If you have pain in the upper arm which gets aggravated by lying down on the same side, it indicates inflamed tendons in the shoulder. This pain shouldn’t be ignored as it can make permanent damage to muscles.
Here are some tips for neck and shoulder pain.
For neck pain
Keep proper vision
Intake of adequate level of vitamin D and calcium
Maintain good ergonomics
Basic exercises of the neck
For shoulder pain
Brace up the shoulders
Do not slouch
Push-ups against the wall
Shrug the shoulders
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