Cholesterol is one of the main problems in our diet today. If left untreated, it can block blood flow to the heart and increase the risk of heart attack. Cholesterol is caused by lifestyle and to some extent heredity. It also includes lack of exercise and stress. We should control food to control cholesterol. Fried and some unhealthy foods are all good for your health. Some foods increase cholesterol and some lower them.
Only 20% of our diet is fat. The liver produces the remaining 80 percent. When more carbohydrates reach the body, they are converted into fat and stored in the body instead of being converted into energy. This means that carbohydrates cause not only diabetes but also cholesterol. In order to lower cholesterol, you need to follow a diet.
For breakfast
Fermented foods we usually eat as our breakfast, i.e., idli, dosha, and bread are not so good for cholesterol. These are made with white rice so, the carbohydrate levels are high. These can quickly increase blood glucose levels. It is not good for diabetes and cholesterol. The wheat diet is good for people with high cholesterol. Chapatis and steamed wheat dishes are also beneficial. Also, you can include oats in your diet. Consumption of oatmeal quickly increases the glycemic index in the body. It will be digested quickly. Therefore, it is better to eat pudding or salted flour with oats.
It is best to soak the almonds, nuts and eat them in the morning. Some people have a habit of tea in between. Tea can be consumed without the addition of milk. You can make black tea or green tea with lemon juice. Alternatively, you can add olive oil to salads. The juice is a good alternative to tea. Adding honey to green tea is not so good. Honey is also a carbohydrate.
At night
Fruits are good at night. Do not eat as much as possible after six o’clock. It is also good for reducing fat and stomach. Instead of juice, fruit can be chewed as well. Papaya and guava are all good. Fat is also linked to cholesterol. It is normal to have high cholesterol if you are obese. If the goal is to cut down on wood, do not eat anything after six at night. It is said that drinking alcohol is good for cholesterol. But excessive alcohol consumption can be harmful. Like this, stress and lack of sleep are all habits that cause cholesterol.
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