Researchers have found evidence of a “superbug”, a multidrug immune organism, on isolated sandy beaches of India that can head to the next deadly pandemic. In a “landmark discovery”, scientists presently have clear evidence of Candida Auris. Also named C Auris – is known as a “superbug” because it can hold the main anti-fungal medications. The study was published in the journal mBio on Tuesday.
The fungus had earlier been identified in plants and marine environments, though, this is the prime indicator that shows the pathogen advances in a natural environment. Recently, a specialist proposed that the Covid-19 pandemic gave the “perfect conditions for widespread outbreaks” of C. Auris, the report said.A team directed by Dr. Anuradha Chowdhary, at the University of Delhi, analyzed 48 samples of soil and water gathered from eight natural places around the Andaman Islands. These involved sandy beaches, rocky shores, tidal marshes, and mangrove marshes. The researchers isolated C. Auris from two places: a salt marsh wetland where virtually no people ever move, and a beach with no human activity.
It was discovered the C. Auris separates from the beach were all multi-drug repellent and were more nearly related to strains detected in hospitals compared with the isolates obtained in the marsh, Live Science quoted Chowdhary as stating in a declaration. Researchers mentioned that one isolate located in the marsh was not drug-resistant and advanced more gently at high temperatures correlated with the other isolates, implying that this isolate could be a “wilder” strain of C. Auris.
This evidence might be the one that hadn’t yet changed to the high body temperatures of humans and other mammals, said Dr. Arturo Casadevall, chair of the Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore. Though, the study still does not confirm that C. Auris usually exists on the Andaman Islands, or that it arose there. The microbe could likely have been introduced by people, particularly at the beach site that had more human activity, Live Science reported.
The infections produced by this “superbug” can explicate “no symptoms before turning into a fever and chills”. These signs won’t go away despite the use of medicines and can guide to death. C. Auris remains on the skin before entering the body through injuries. Once in the bloodstream, it makes severe illness and can guide to sepsis, a disease that kills up to 11 million people a year globally, the World Health Organization said. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said the microbe can cause severe bloodstream infections, particularly in patients who need catheters, feeding tubes, or breathing tubes.” This infection can be difficult to treat because the microbe is often resistant to multiple antifungal drugs, and it can also linger on environmental surfaces,” Live Science reported.
C. Auris’s extensive patter is still a mystery to scientists. However, researchers have earlier hypothesized that increased temperatures due to climate change may have caused C. Auris to adapt to higher temperatures in the wild, and thus allowed the fungus to make the jump to humans, whose normal body temperature is typically too hot for most fungi to survive. The disease has spread all corners of the world where it is “spreading like wildfire”, hinting that it does increase through human contact, the Sun reported.
Previous traces
C. Auris was found in hospitals around the world about 10 years ago. This strange “superbug” is a fungus that was initially discovered in 2009 in a patient in Japan. Around 270 people in the United Kingdom have been diagnosed with this epidemic until 2019, the report quoted data from Public Health England. Also, eight people have died, though, the report said, it was not possible to connect the deaths immediately to the fungus.”It’s a medical mystery, where did it come from,” Dr. Arturo Casadevall said. The new findings are “a very important part of the puzzle,” Casadevall told Live Science.
A report by Dr. Donald Sheppard, a professor of microbiology at McGill University, Canada, in 2020, said there is proof C. Auris is present in the UK because the fungus had been located in the foot ulcers of people with diabetes in London, which has also been reported in India. There have been irregular cases of the fungus appearing normally in people who have moved to the UK from areas C. Auris is more widespread, with various introductions from Asia and Africa. The report said patients with C. Auris stay infected perhaps forever, “suggests this emerging nosocomial pathogen is likely here to stay”.
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Scientists have now changed its focus on examining pathogens that might cause the subsequent deadly pandemic.”If this idea gets validated, we need to start mapping out more of these pathogens that are out there so we don’t get surprised, as we got surprised by the new coronavirus,” Casadevall said.
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