As Alberta is fighting a dreadful fourth wave of COVID pandemic with the highest number of COVID cases in the country, B.C says it won’t be able to take in patients from the saturated ICUs of Alberta. Alberta’s care units are flooded with critically ill patients with COVID-19. British Columbian Health Minister Adrian Dix told media that B.C can’t take in patients from Alberta, as per the current demand on B. C’s health care system.
The British Columbian ministry met with its Alberta counterparts on Thursday. The President and CEO of Alberta Health Services, Dr. Verna Yiu had asked for assistance from other provinces to help tackle the emergency situation that’s prevailing in Alberta.
B.C has offered to help with any other things that can be done to support Alberta. ‘If we can take patients on in the future, we will’ Adrian Dix added. Yui told media that some patients may be transferred to Ontario the same week as Alberta’s health care system is pushed past the breaking point. Alberta has started to ration care units. Critical care is reserved for patients with the highest chances of survival. During the news conference on Thursday, Yui pointed out that an average of 20 new COVID-19 patients are being admitted to ICU every day in Alberta.
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