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From rice to potatoes, you shouldn’t pressure cook these foods

Your pressure cooker can be your best friend if you’re always running late to prepare meals or just like to take the easy way out when preparing food. Women prefer to use a pressure cooker over a pan because their food gets ready quickly, and it’s fuss-free. However, you may not be aware of the side effects of cooking certain foods in a pressure cooker. Read on to learn more.

The effects of cooking food in a pressure cooker have been the subject of much debate in the past. Many theories suggest that cooking some foods in a pressure cooker kills their nutrients and makes them unhealthy. Several other sources state that the nutritional value of food solely depends on the way it is prepared. In the opinion of many experts, preparing starch-rich food in a pressure cooker can be harmful to your health. It is possible to ruin your cooker or your meal if you prepare starch-rich food in it. So, here are a few things you shouldn’t cook in a pressure cooker.


There is no doubt that rice is one of the most commonly prepared foods in a pressure cooker, but it’s dangerous! A harmful chemical called acrylamide is created when rice is cooked in a pressure cooker, and it can cause a lot of diseases. Eating rice cooked in a pressure cooker can also lead to obesity. When you cook rice in a pressure cooker, the water is not removed, which results in weight gain.


Many of us boil our potatoes in a pressure cooker. It’s the quickest and easiest way to do it. Potatoes, however, have starch, and they shouldn’t be prepared in a cooker. It is not recommended to cook potatoes in a pressure cooker because it poses a lot of health risks, including cancer and neurological disorders.


Another food item that is high in starch should not be cooked in a pressure cooker is pasta. You can harm your health by preparing pasta in a pressure cooker. It should always be boiled or cooked in a pan.
Some foods should not be cooked in a cooker. On the other hand, many other food options are safe and healthy. The lectin content of food is reduced by using a pressure cooker. By absorbing minerals from food, lectin is a harmful chemical that reduces the nutritional value. There are pros and cons to pressure cooking, and you can always experiment and try different methods.

Tips For Cooking In A Pressure Cooker

  • Many women are intimidated by the idea of cooking with a pressure cooker. In order to prepare food in a closed pot, you need to keep several things in mind.
  • By overfilling the cooker with food, the preparation can swell or not cook properly. To avoid any problems, you should only fill the cooker with 2/3 of the way full.
  • It is impossible for a pressure cooker to work without a liquid since the food is prepared by steam. To cook your food properly, you must build steam.
  • If you don’t release the pressure safely, you might end up putting yourself at risk. It’s easy to let the pressure naturally release by simply taking the cooker off the flame. Another option is to place the cooker under cold water.
  • Make sure that you don’t prepare these foods or other starch-rich foods in a pressure cooker in order to stay healthy.

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