Tulsi, commonly known as basil plant, is considered extremely sacred by Hindus. It is widely used in devotion and rituals, particularly during Lord Mahavishnu Pooja. Tulsi also has incredible therapeutic qualities. The leaf is placed in the dying person’s mouth with the idea that the practice will take him to Vaikunt, or Lord Vishnu’s dwelling. Tulsi, on the other hand, is not presented to Lord Ganesha, and there is a puranic reason for this.
Tulsi, commonly known as basil plant, is extremely precious to Hindus. It is widely utilized in devotion and ceremonies, particularly during Pooja to Lord Mahavishnu. Tulsi also has extraordinary medicinal qualities. Tulsi leaf is placed in the dying person’s mouth in the hope that the procedure would bring him to Vaikunt, or Lord Vishnu’s dwelling. Tulsi, on the other hand, is not offered to Lord Ganesha for a puranic reason.
Lord Ganesh stated that he was living the life of a Brahmacharya and an ascetic and that he could not even consider marriage since it would interfere with his austere lifestyle. Tulsi was irritated by this and, in total dissatisfaction with Ganesha’s stance, cursed him, claiming that he will be forced to marry even against his desire.
Though Ganesha is a loving deity, Tulsi’s harsh behavior enraged him. As a result, he cursed her, saying she would undergo a disaster in which she would be doomed to marry a demon and suffer under him. Tulsi realized her error and pleaded to Lord Ganesha to free her from the deadly curse.
Lord Ganesha was pleased and pardoned her. According to the curse, she will marry a demon and, after one life, she will become a plant in her next birth. She will be lauded by everybody for her outstanding medical powers and will grow very devoted to Lord Mahavishnu as a result. Mahavishnu will be pleased with the Tulsi offering, and she will attain a high position.
Tulsi married a demon named Shankachuda after both the curse and the blessing of Ganesha came true. She lived her entire life with him before giving birth to the Tulsi plant in her following delivery. According to Ganesha’s promise, she was hailed as a lovely plant fit for Mahavishnu worship. Without an offering of Tulsi, no Mahavishnu puja is complete.
This is why Tulsi is never offered to Lord Ganesha. Also, the tale reveals how Tulsi rose to such a high position. According to the puranic legends, the Lord’s mercy redeems and elevates even the bad ones. The slaying of all demons by God’s incarnations grants them Moksha or a great status. In this way, the narrative demonstrates Lord Ganesha’s compassion and kindness. This anecdote was told in response to a question on why Tulsi is not served to Lord Ganesha. Tulsi has not been used in the Pooja for Ganesha since ancient times. Ganesha, on the other hand, is supposed to prefer Arka grass.
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