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Sitting becoming the new smoking? Learn how long stretches of sitting might harm your health

Just like smoking slowly and in numerous ways affects your body, a sedentary lifestyle may lead to a slew of health issues. Sitting is the primary body posture that we employ the most in our lives, whether we’re eating, working, socializing, or learning. We often neglect to engage in physical workouts and spend most of our time sitting due to the turmoil of work and rushing.

Our bodies utilize less energy while we sit, which does significant harm to them. Prolonged sitting can potentially harm your heart health and put you at risk for a range of chronic conditions such as heart disease, obesity, osteoporosis, and others. Here’s how long hours of sitting may harm your health.

Brings you extremely close to cardiac issues
Sitting or laying down for an extended amount of time can cause arterial blockage, putting you at risk of different heart problems such as cardiac arrest and heart failure. Many studies have shown that sitting for an extended period of time doubles the risk of heart disease.

Respiratory Issues
When we sit, we frequently fail to pay attention to our posture, which is a primary source of injury. Sitting in a slouching position puts strain on the diaphragm and, if done for an extended period of time, can reduce lung capacity, which can lead to respiratory problems.

Sitting for as long as 8 hours without moving increases fat buildup throughout the body, which contributes to obesity. Sitting and eating for a lengthy period of time can also result in excessive cholesterol levels, which can lead to a variety of health problems.

Bone Health Weakening
Moving from a set location and maintaining a fixed posture for an extended period of time may degrade your bone health and make you more prone to numerous bodily ailments such as back pain, neck pain, and joint pain. If not treated appropriately, it can lead to complications such as cervical and osteoporosis.

Poor Posture
One of the most fundamental issues that sitting may create is poor posture. While working on devices or binge-watching for lengthy periods of time, many of us slump or entirely forget about our posture. A terrible posture habit will hurt the entire body and can even lead to slouching of the shoulders and neck, resulting in an ugly posture.

Mental Disorders
Sitting for more than 8 hours might cause the brain to become inactive, reducing intellect and focus. It can occasionally induce anxieties and worry, as well as a lack of drive to go out. Overall, it is a barrier to mental health and, over time, contributes to a variety of mental health conditions such as sadness and anxiety.

Break the sitting cycle.

  • To disrupt this detrimental loop, take a 15-minute stroll after 2 hours of sitting.
  • Do get up from your seat and fill your own water bottle, or simply go for a short stroll to refresh your thoughts and engage in some physical movement.
  • Stretch in between tasks to keep your body moving and your blood flowing properly.
  • Say no to slouching.

Now the issue is, is sitting truly the new smoking? The answer is unequivocally yes! Sitting for more than 8 hours a day on a daily basis can injure you more than anything else. It can have an impact on your quality of life and possibly reduce your life expectancy, much like smoking. Break this cycle by getting up and involving yourself in bodily movements! Don’t forget to say good-bye to slouching.


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