Even the tiniest things can have a significant impact on our lives. Similar to that, washing our hands regularly can protect us from a variety of health-related problems.
There was a benefit to COVID-19’s emergence, since it gave us invaluable lessons in maintaining hand hygiene. More than ten years of behavioural change in hygiene and sanitation have been expedited by the onslaught of handwashing promotion programmes.
Regular hand washing can help ward off a variety of gastrointestinal disorders and respiratory illnesses including the common cold and the flu. It eliminates bacteria that spread illnesses from one person to another.
However, you would be shocked at how many of us are still mistaken. Amit Konlade, leader global SCM, SATO, rolls out a quick checklist to ensure that you are following the complete handwashing technique.
Steps for handwashing
Wet your hands with clean water, rub soap and lather your hands. Ensure that your hands are covered with lather up to your wrists
Clean the back of each hand with the palm of the other hand
Scrub between fingers by interlacing your fingers and rubbing back and forth
Clean the back of your fingers by rubbing your interlocked fingers into your palm for both hands
Do not forget the thumb! Clean each thumb by grabbing it with the other hand and rubbing it up and down
Rub your fingertips into the palm of your opposite hand and repeat for the other hand as well
Wash each wrist with your opposite hand
Rinse and dry hands with a clean, dry towel
When should you maintain hand hygiene?
After using the washroom
After returning from outside
Before and after eating your food
Before and after preparing the food
Before and after helping sick people
Before contacting your eyes, nose, or mouth
Before and after changing diapers or cleaning your child
After touching contaminated surfaces such as door handles, shopping carts, tables, or electronic devices.
After touching your face mask or eye protector
After touching any animal or pet
After coughing, sneezing, or blowing your nose
After handling waste and garbage
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