According to a study by researchers, fine particles in China’s polluted air are to blame for the yearly death of 64,000 babies while they are still inside their mothers’ wombs. Despite Beijing’s efforts to reduce pollution over the past ten years and longer, the statistics show such shocking numbers. According to a study that examined 137 nations, 40% of stillbirths occurred in Latin America, Asia, and Africa in 2015 as a result of exposure to particles known as PM2.5, which are typically produced when fossil fuels are burned and are smaller than 2.5 microns.
According to a research published in the academic journal Nature Communications, which examined all the nations where 98% of stillbirths worldwide occur, China came in fourth position for foetal fatalities attributable to PM2.5. Researchers from Peking University led by Xue Tao noted that fewer of these fatalities had occurred as a result of the Chinese government’s recent efforts to minimise air pollution. ‘ The decrease in the worldwide burden of stillbirths may be attributed to improved air quality in some of the 137 nations (such as China). Therefore, achieving the air quality goals set by the World Health Organization might reduce the number of stillbirths’, according to the study.
Although the link between air pollution and stillbirth is well established, this is the first study to compute the precise number of reported foetal deaths. Unicef referred to the problem as a ‘neglected tragedy’ in a study from 2020. Overall, the study discovered that a 10 g/m3 increase in PM2.5 exposure was linked to an 11% rise in stillbirths. According to the experts, pollution particles that cross the placenta may result in ‘irreparable foetal harm’. It may also interfere with the fetus’s ability to get oxygen.
To preserve the health of expectant mothers and young children, Zhu Tong, the study’s other principal author, stated, ‘China has been working hard to remedy air pollution in recent years and witnessed fast improvement in air quality as a result. But a large population and unequal social development mean that many pregnant women are still exposed to air pollution’, he added.
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