According to studies, saturated fats raise the body’s harmful cholesterol levels. High quantities of salt and saturated fats can be found in frozen or fried processed items from fast food restaurants. The heart is negatively impacted by both. Beyond a certain point, saturated fats encourage the accumulation of harmful cholesterol. As you put on weight, you run the risk of developing insulin resistance, which can lead to the development of diabetes.
Foods like cakes, muffins, cookies, and sweet sodas induce inflammation in the body with elevated triglycerides. Sugar is often refered to as ‘sweet poison.’ An increase in processed sugar-containing foods will result in belly obesity and a higher risk of diabetes, heart attacks and stroke. Since most cakes, muffins and cookies are made from refined flour or maida, it increases blood pressure and has no nutritional benefits.
Red meat is quite popular among non-vegetarians and is rich in saturated fats and tends to carry L-carnitine, a compound that can lead to a buildup of plaque in the arteries. People who are fond of eating meat should go ahead with lean cuts of red meat, which carry protein and less of fat. Chicken wings or breast pieces are primarily good sources of protein and carry less fats. Fish is obviously a healthier option.
White bread is made of refined flour, sugar and processed oils that don’t really have any health benefits, including white pasta. Rice, on the other hand, does not contain high fibre content, which is why it shouldn’t be consumed for a healthy heart in high amounts.
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