To build and maintain a healthy relationship it need constant effor. Finding ways to bring peace in relationship is very essential. The relationship should be a healthy and warm place for people to come back to and be vulnerable. To have this a lot of effort, compromise and understanding is required.
Therapist Sadaf Siddiqi has sahred some simple tips to bring peace in relationship.
Tolerance: In a relationship expecting our partner to meet all our need is wrong. It is not humanely possible for a single person to meet all the needs and wants we have.Hence, we need to make peace with the fact and find ways to meet our needs ourselves.
Also Read: Avoid these mistakes that can ruin your relationship
Imperfections: In a relationship one should be ready to accept the past traumas, triggers, past experiences, family dynamics and wounds of their partner and the ways to soothe them.
Respecting the differences: In a relationship, people with contrasting perspectives can align only when they learn to respect their opinions. When a partner says no to something that they do not agree with, we should be mindful to respect their decisions.
Curiosity: Instead of assuming or overthinking, we should become curious of their behavior patterns and find ways to learn more about them.
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