Compulsive sexual behaviour (CSB) refers to a persistent pre-occupation with sexual fantasies, urges, or actions that become difficult to control. It is also called sex addiction or out-of-control sexual behavior. CSB leads to significant distress and negative impacts on various aspects of life, including physical health, relationships, and overall well-being.
CSB is marked by an overwhelming sense of compulsion, where the individual feels unable to resist engaging in sexual activities despite the consequences. This can involve a range of behaviours, including excessive masturbation, frequent engagement with pornography, multiple sexual partners, cybersex, or other sexual activities pursued in a repetitive and uncontrollable manner.
Compulsive Sexual Behaviours: Symptoms
You experience frequent, intense sexual fantasies, urges, and behaviours that are unwanted and beyond your control.
Sometimes you feel driven to engage in a particular sexual practice and get a release of tension but subsequently feel guilty or ashamed.
You have been unable to stop or control the fantasies and urges on your own.
You use compulsive sexual behaviour to escape from problems in your life, such as loneliness, despair, or anxiety.
You engage in risky sexual practices despite knowing that they can result in major consequences such as sexually transmitted infections, breakups, pregnancy, or legal issues.
Also Read: Know various types of sex to make your sex life more interesting
Compulsive Sexual Behaviours: Treatment
Talk therapy, also called psychotherapy, can help you learn how to manage your compulsive sexual behaviour.
Book an appointment with a mental health provider: Get treatment for other mental health concerns like anxiety or depression, as they may make compulsive sexual behaviour worse.
Avoid alcohol and drug use.
Find enjoyable activities you love to do at times when you experience strong urges or when you feel lonely.
When you need support, reach out to loved ones you trust.
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