A research study revealed that your hands might reveal surprising insights into your sex life. The study published in Evolution and Human Behavior, suggests that your upper body strength – proxied by handshake – could determine mating success.
The researchers at Washington State University found that upper body strength had an impact on the lifetime number of sexual partners and current partnered status but not on the previous number of sexual partners or age at first intercourse.
The study used data from the 2013–2014 phase of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, to discover the results. They found stronger men were more likely to be in long-term relationships and have more sexual partners compared to their peers. Meanwhile, stronger women had a longer list of sexual partners compared to weaker women. However, strength did not appear to influence the length of women’s past relationships.
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Additionally, strength was significantly more important for male-partnered status than female. However, there was no significant interaction for lifetime sexual partners.
‘People have assumptions about men’s sexual behaviour and how that’s related to evolution. Besides acquiring more sexual partners, establishing long-term relationships was likely also important for men in evolutionary history,’ lead author and anthropologist Caroline Smith said in a statement to Phys.org.
Experts have long thought that men’s physical strength evolved as a key trait because it played a crucial role in competing for mates, following the principle of survival of the fittest.
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