Health & FitnessLife Style

Know Benefits of Having Sex on Your Skin And Hair

Sex can be good for your heart health. Sex can bring your numbers down and  can also help you to look young and radiant. Sex slows down your ageing and  prevent wrinkles.

Your skin will glow: Having sex can improve your blood circulation, pump up the oxygen to your skin and can improve its appearance. It can balance your hormones and furthermore, it can also eliminate toxins from your body.

It can help you to get rid of dry skin: If you have sex on the regular basis it can increase your estrogen level and ensure proper supply of blood. Also, it can improve the elasticity of your skin.

Also Read:  Know How Losing Weight Can Improve Your Sex Life 

It can reverse your ageing: Sex is a pleasurable activity. It can help you to deal with stress, relax and make you feel happy. Moreover, it can increase the collagen production of your skin and help you to get rid of those dark spots.

It can help you to get stronger nails: It releases oxytocin which is a happy hormone and can be beneficial for your nails.

It can help you to unclog your pores: A sexy sweaty session can be a boon for you. It can help you to cleanse your skin. Your skin is tortured due to pollution, dirt and so on, sex can help you to get that shiny skin.

It can help you to deal with acne and breakouts: Your hormone levels will be balanced due to that vigorous session in bed (or the place of your choice).

It can be a boon for your tresses: According to research, having sex regularly can help you to get that lustrous hair as body’s ability increases to metabolize the nutrients.


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