Depression is caused by the disproportion of hormones in the mind. Its most common indicators are sleepless nights and eating disorders. Depression leads to a lot of daily problems such as mood swings, distractions at the work place, and also severe relationship problems. A person suffering from depression may face serious consequences if the ailment is not cured. At later stages, people even lose their mental sanity owing to this problem. A lot of people can be seen in the mental asylums, struck by one type of depression or the other.
Types Of Meditation
Use of Meditation to overcome Depression: The word meditation has Latin origins. It is derived from two words: meditari is the Latin word for ‘thought’, while mederi is the word for ‘healing’. A common man would think that meditation is worship or a prayer, but meditation means to be aware of your being. Even focusing and controlling your own breath is a form of meditation. Meditation is very effective in relieving depression. Depression can be overcome by meditation in the following ways:
Mindful Meditation: In Mindful meditation, the goal is to achieve a state of mind that is sated and relaxed. Through Mindful meditation, we fortify the calmness of our mind and with practice, we are able to achieve a state of mind in which we are able to remain serene without struggling. A mindful state does not mean losing track of what’s going around in your environment. A person in a ‘mindful’ state, knows what’s going around. Mindfulness helps one master the art of controlling one’s mind and generates positive feelings that help to combat depression.
Loving Kindness Meditation: In loving kindness meditation, one practices to achieve consideration. It is a part of the Buddhist customs but anyone can adopt this form of meditation, irrespective of their religious conviction. The meditation solely deals with enlightening love. This practice not only brings out optimistic changes in the mindset but also inculcates the trait of loving acceptance. It helps cure all the worries of the mind.
For best results meditate daily even if only for 10 minutes. Do not skip a single day. Meditation should not be done in a hurry or in a crowded or noisy environment. Sit in a room that is free of external sources of disturbance and concentrate on yourself. Take time before and after meditation to calm your mind and body.
Meditation has many benefits. There are no side effects whatsoever. Meditation is also cheap and affordable for all. It does not involve any doctors or counsellors.
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