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These are the 5 things women love most about sex

We have several studies which depict women’s sex drives are often just as strong as those of men, or sometimes even stronger. There are certain things that ladies love about sex with you.

Kissing and Whispering

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These are the first things when it comes to foreplay. Kissing, frenching, snogging, sucking face are considered as the mover towards great sex. Impassioned whispers in women’s ear take them to the next level.


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Sucking and biting the neck feel as incredible as they really are.

Undressing Slowly

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This is very important as undressing needs perfection. Yes, you read it right! Do it slowly and take proper pauses, wherever needed.

Also Read: Here are some good songs to listen during sex

Nipple’s rule

Suck them, tease them but only if you bae give you permission as they are very sensitive.

Being on Top

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A woman feels empowered being able to ride a man. She dictates the rhythm and motion. Give some control to her, she will feel nice.


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