
Fight Your Depression With Yoga: Balasana (Child pose)

Depression is an illness that affects your brain. It is your reaction to something sad, loss of someone, or dejection. When these feelings aggravate and become intense, it leads to a medical condition called clinical depression.

Balasana, Child’s Pose, or Child’s Resting Pose is an asana. Sanskrit: Bala – Child, Asana – Pose; Pronounced as BAHL-ahs-ahna.


  • Kneel down on the floor and touch your big toes to each other as you sit on your heels. Once you are comfortable, spread your knees hip-width apart. Inhale.
  • Bend forward, and lay your torso between your thighs as you exhale.
  • Now, broaden the sacrum all across the back of the pelvis, and narrow the points of your hip such that they point towards the navel. Settle down on the inner thighs.
  • Stretch the tailbone away from the back of the pelvis as you lift the base of your head slightly away from the back of the neck.
  • Stretch your arms forward and place them in front of you, such that they are in line with your knees. Release the fronts of your shoulder to the floor. You must feel the weight of the front shoulders pulling the blades widely across your back.
  • Since this asana is a resting pose, you can stay in the pose from anywhere between 30 seconds to a few minutes.
  • To release the asana, first, stretch the front torso. Then, breathe in and lift from the tailbone while it pushes down into the pelvis.


  • It helps release tension in the chest, back, and shoulders.
  • This asana is highly recommended, especially if you have a bout of dizziness or fatigue during the day or during your workout.
  • This asana helps to reduce stress and anxiety.
  • It helps to massage and flex the internal organs in the body, keeping them active and supple.

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