Trikonasana or the triangle pose is a good stretching exercise which gives flexibility to the spine and pelvic region. In Sanskrit ‘trikona’ means ‘three corners’ or a ‘triangle’.This is the third Power Yoga Pose.
Trikonasana is an excellent posture to develop strength and balance. This gives flexibility to the legs, waist, and knees.
It gives a sense of expansiveness as the arms and torso are bent and reaches for the toes. It gives a sense of balance for the whole body. Those who have stiff legs, knees and waist can use this posture to regain their flexibility and strength. Performing Trikonasana briskly can be a good exercise that can give a sense of well-being and relieves depression.
If you feel the stiffness of the leg, waist or torso muscles while doing this, then perform this posture very slowly with slow and deep breathing. In due course of time, your body will develop the flexibility and the stiffness will go away.
How to do Trikonasana (The Triangle Pose)?