The term Power Yoga was first coined in the 1990s, and many consider it to be the beginning of the “gym yoga” trend. Power Yoga is a fitness-based vinyasa practice. It consists of fifty-one asanas. Shavasana is the last asana in Power yoga.
Shavasana – Corpse Pose
Corpse pose is a yogic relaxation pose. The name comes from the Sanskrit words Shava meaning “corpse” and Asana meaning “posture”. Shavasana is the simplest and the main relaxation pose used in yoga. This is the last power yoga Pose.
In Shavasana, an emphasis is given to slow, rhythmic and relaxed breathing. The yogic breath is a complete breath done with full awareness. The abdomen, the chest, and the neck expand during a relaxed deep breath. As one relaxes more, the abdominal breathing is more prominent.
How to do Shavasana – Corpse Pose?