- The Logistics:
You need to do the math first before embarking on this journey. In order to lose a pound a day, you will need to burn close to 3,000 calories daily. This can be calculated by taking into account your weight and how active you are. If you consume 1000 calories a day, you will be required to burn 3000 calories additionally to lose a pound.
- Cut Down On The Calories:
You will be required to restrict your calorie intake between 800 and 1,200 calories daily as per your weight and the number of times a day you exercise. Also, eat smaller portions (5 small meals a day) while consuming veggies like lettuce and broccoli. For protein, eat fish, chicken and tofu, among others.
- Aerobic Exercise:
In order to burn a pound a day, you will need to incorporate aerobic exercise in your routine. Some calorie-burning exercises include:
- Boxing – you will burn up to 600-800 calories per hour.
- Swimming – you will exhaust close to 500 – 600 calories per hour.
- Running – prepare to burn 800 calories in an hour by running a mile for 8 minutes.
- Drink A Lot Of Water:
Drinking water will keep you replenished all day long while also keeping you full. Around 9-10 glasses of water should be enough to lose a pound a day. Add lime or lemon to make it tasty.
- Gum:
Chewing gum at least twice a day will help suppress your appetite. Also, it helps you burn calories while keeping your jawbone steady and strong.
- The 7.30 pm Deadline:
Since metabolism slows done drastically when you sleep at night, you will need to give yourself time for digestion. Keep to a 7.30 pm deadline for food to ensure that you can sleep at around 10.00 pm – enough time for digestion.
- Ginger Root Tea:
After dinner, have some ginger tea by boiling a ginger root. This concoction will help in digestion while keeping energy levels up. You can also add some chopped ginger to your salad at dinner.
- Stay Busy:
Read a book or take a long bubble bath if you ever feel the need to snack an hour after dinner. This is because an activity will help suppress your hunger pangs.
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