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Try these 5 home remedies to prevent bloating….

Summer brings a set of health problems along with indigestion and bloating. Bloating is basically a build-up of gas in the stomach and intestines. It happens when our digestive system does not function optimally during summers.

Bloating can be brought on by a number of causes, including eating a very large meal, drinking too much carbonated beverages, constipation, menstruation, etc. Bloating can be easily treated at home. One of the first things to do is to reduce the consumption of gas-producing foods like milk or dairy products, beans, cruciferous vegetables and greasy or oily foods.

Here are some foods and drinks that can reduce bloating:

1. Ginger, Honey, Lemon Tea: Ginger is one of the best spices that can be used to treat bloating and keep other digestive troubles away during summers. Adding honey and lemon to the mix provide a boost of flavour. Honey is healthy immunity-boosting sweetener, while lemon with vitamin C can keep your skin as well as other body functions healthy. Ginger, honey and lemon tea can be prepared with or without the use of tea leaves.

2. Chamomile Tea: Chamomile flowers offer a number of health benefits, among which fighting stress and reducing inflammation are two of its main characteristics. Chamomile tea may also help you release trapped gas and hence may provide relief from bloating.

3. Peppermint Tea: One of the most reliable remedies for bloating includes drinking a cup of herbal peppermint tea. Mint tea may have soothing effects on the intestine and may help in reducing gastric stress. It is recommended for use by patients of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. It may also help with reducing abdominal pain.

4. Bananas: Bananas are a saviour when it comes to stomach troubles. If you experience bloating after consuming food from a restaurant, or just a heavy meal, bananas can come to your rescue. The potassium in bananas helps to regulate the salt levels and reduces bloating. The high-fibre content in bananas also aids digestion.

5. Yoghurt: If you experience bloating very frequently, you should include yoghurt or curd in your meals regularly. Rich in good bacteria and probiotics, yoghurt can help manage bloating even before it begins.

6. Fennel Tea: Fennel seeds, are one of the best desi spices that cool the body naturally and also help the smooth functioning of the digestive system. It aides digestion of food; this is why Indians consume it post dinner. When boiled with water and consumed, fennel may provide anti-bloating benefits and may also help in remedying gas and cramps.


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