People adopt different ways to keep themselves get rid off stress. Some meditate, some pray, some dance and some sing their heart out just to heal their souls. Have you noted some people sleeping and a few people eating food when they get tensed? These are all natural methods which people themselves find to keep them move on.
What if we can eat certain foods that will help reduce the stress? So here are some food that will help improve symptoms of your stress and anxiety. Take in these happy hormones and feel light…
Eggs- Rich in vitamin and they contain tryptophan which creates serotonin. Serotonin controls mood and behaviour. It relieves anxiety and lowers the level of stress in your body.
Dark chocolate- We have seen people eating chocolate before when they enter an exam hall. Chocolates specifiaclly Dark chocolate is a very popular remedy for reducing stress and anxiety. It contains cocoa which improves your mood and releases happy hormones.
Chamomile- Chamomile is a herbal remedy for treating anxiety. It is usually consumed in the form of tea. It calms you down and induce sleep. It is best known to treat insomnia.
Turmeric- The ingredient in turmeric called curcumin helps in lowering anxiety by reducing stress. Can beĀ consumed either directly or with milk and also by adding it to your dishes.
Yoghurt- The bacteria in yoghurt have positive effects on brain health. Including yoghurt in your day-to-day diet treats your anxiety and depression.
Cinnamon- Cinnamon has anti-inflammatory properties and can be consumed with tea and milk too. It lowers the level of stress hormones and calms your anxiety.
Spinach- Spinach is an excellent source of magnesium. Magnesium is known to treat several mental disorders.
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