Jerusalem: At least 45 people have been killed in a stampede at the Jewish festival of Lagba Omar in Israel. More than 150 people were wounded. Many of the injured are in a severe situation. Lagba Omar is celebrated in Israel on the 33rd day of the festival of Zepriyat ha Omar, or Counting of Omar, which starts soon after harvest.
Log B Omar celebrates the 33rd day of the 49-day Counting of Oman Festival. The day of the recitation of the thirty-third line of Omar was converted as a day of calamity for Israel. The bomber struck soon afternoon in front of police, recruiting center at Mount Maron in northern Israel. The accident happened when a crowd fell on top of those who stumbled on a staircase.
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The eyewitness stated that the seriousness of the accident was due to the police preventing the exit from the display with barricades. Others came and fell on top of those who fell first. Two or three fell to the top of the small children. Many of them died of suffocation. About 1 lakh people came to attend the festival this year. Although this is lower than in previous years, police say not as many people were anticipated during the covid crisis.
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