An odd incident reported from the United States involved the recovery of a gravestone that had gone missing 150 years ago. Strangely enough, it turned out that a woman living in Michigan used the tombstone to make fudge. It has been identified as the tombstone of Lansing pioneer and businessman Peter J. Weller, who died in 1849. According to an article in a Facebook post by the Friends of Lansing’s Historic Cemeteries, the tombstone went missing 146 years ago when his grave was moved to Mt. Hope Cemetery in 1875.
FOHLC President Loretta S. Stanaway told CNN that they were notified about the tombstone quite unexpectedly in August when the woman who had been using it was moved into an Alzheimer’s care facility. When Brad Stoecker of Epic Auctions & Estate Sales came across a five-foot-long white slab in the house, he was puzzled. He was even more baffled when he flipped it over and realized it was somebody’s tombstone. FOLHC wrote in their Facebook post: ‘Life and Times of a man whose monument has been used to make fudge’.
To cool their creations, fudge-makers traditionally use large marble slabs. CNN reported that it is still a mystery how this granite tombstone reached a home in Okemos, outside Lansing where the cemetery is located. Stanaway said that no one in the family knew how or when they came to own it, but that homeowners mentioned they used the backside to make delectable desserts. She continued, ‘We had no way of knowing whether the family understood it was a legitimate memorial or if it was just a throwaway or something’.
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On Facebook, the group revealed that Walter Anderson, a former Lansing resident, heard about the situation after seeing the monument listed for sale on the auctioneer’s website. The auction house, realizing its value, donated the monument to the cemetery. Despite the cemetery staff’s attempts to contact Weller’s family, no living relatives could be located. FOLHC, however, decided to honor the dead and held a memorial service on Sunday. 172 years after his death, Weller’s gravestone was cleaned and placed on his grave next to his two daughters.
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