Many people across the world undergo fertility therapy as they are unable to conceive naturally. However, for some people, it can have a negative impact on their mental health, producing anxiety, sadness and other symptoms in both partners.
There are two forms of infertility, according to Dr. Aindri Sanyal, fertility specialist at Nova IVF Fertility in Kolkata.
1. Primary infertility: The inability to conceive a child.
2. Secondary infertility: After having one or more children, a woman is unable to conceive or carry a baby to term. Cancer, difficulties from prior pregnancies, reduced sperm production, damage to the fallopian tubes and other causes can all contribute to it.
Dr. Sanyal explains how a person’s life can be affected by having fertility treatments. ‘You are likely to have different coping mechanisms for the grief of discovering infertility and the stress of undergoing fertility treatments.’
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How to protect your mental health
It is common to experience a range of emotions when undergoing fertility therapy especially if you’re taking medicine that might influence your hormones. However, Dr. Aindri Sanyal says that failing to prioritise mental health may have negative consequences in many parts of life. Here are few things you have to remember while passing through such tough times.
* Accept stress as normal
Recognize that stress is an inherent aspect of the IVF procedure. You have no power to control the results if you’re battling infertility and attempting to conceive with assistance.
* Practise self-care
Medication and counselling aren’t enough to keep your mental health under control. While undergoing fertility therapy, you must also do all of the things that keep you healthy, such as prioritising the activities you like doing.
* Don’t put your life on hold
The importance of planning ahead of time cannot be overstated. Try to continue living your life around the therapy so that you have things to do and activities to love regardless of the result. It’s not a good idea to put your life on wait.
* Share your feelings with your partner
It’s crucial to talk about your sentiments with your spouse and learn about theirs. When coping with the ups and downs of fertility therapy, this is extremely crucial. It’s also essential to rejoice together over little triumphs, such as being accepted for treatment or receiving a treatment date.
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