Nutrients and minerals play a significant part in keeping our body healthy. Our diet should be well-balanced and nutritious. Vitamin C, on the other hand, is one of the most important elements for the proper functioning of our bodies. It is necessary for bone development, blood vessel health and wound healing, in addition to being essential for the appropriate synthesis of collagen in the body. This is why lack of Vitamin C can lead to a variety of illnesses, some of which can be life-threatening.
Scurvy is the most common illness caused by a lack of Vitamin C. It indicates a severe deficiency of vitamin C in the diet, which can result in bruising, bleeding gums, weakness, tiredness, rash and other symptoms. Unusual fatigue, appetite loss, irritability and joint discomfort are some of the early warning symptoms. It can also cause anaemia, gingivitis and skin haemorrhages if left untreated.
Hyperthyroidism is a condition when the thyroid gland produces excess hormones. Thyroid health necessitates the use of vitamin C as well as other essential nutrients. Long-term Vitamin C deficiency can cause excessive hormone secretion from the thyroid glands, resulting in hyperthyroidism, which can cause symptoms like unintentional weight loss, heart palpitations, increased appetite, nervousness, tremors and changes in women’s menstrual patterns, among others.
It is critical to include Vitamin C in your diet. Apart from its numerous advantages, vitamin C aids iron absorption, which is important in preventing illnesses like anaemia, which is caused by a decrease in the quantity or quality of red blood cells in the body. Fatigue, paleness, shortness of breath, dizziness, weight loss are the early symptoms.
Bleeding gums
Vitamin C is highly important for oral health. It not only strengthens your teeth but also safeguards your gums. As a result, a deficiency in Vitamin C can result in bleeding gums and gum disease.
Skin diseases
Vitamin C is essential for maintaining good skin health. It contains antioxidant qualities and is involved in the synthesis of collagen, a protein found in connective tissues such as skin, hair and joints. Vitamin C deficiency, often known as scurvy, can cause skin blemishes. Small patches of subcutaneous bleeding are among the first signs.
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How to treat vitamin C deficiency?
The best approach to cure the condition is to eat foods that are high in Vitamin C. Consume plenty of citrus fruits and vitamin C-rich vegetables. Smoking should be avoided since studies show that smokers have lower vitamin C levels in their bodies. Vitamin C pills are also an option, but you should see your doctor before taking any.
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