Fruits, particularly seasonal fruits, are suggested to be consumed on a regular basis since they are high in fibre, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. However, many people feel that fruits contain too much sugar and should be avoided since they might induce a surge in blood sugar levels.
But is this true? Pooja Makhija and Luke Coutinho, two nutritionists, disagree. They claim that it is impossible to ingest enough fructose to cause damage while eating full fruits. ‘As a result, most fruits take a while to consume and digest, meaning that fructose enters the liver slowly,’ they explained.
To prolong gastric emptying, dietitians suggested lining the stomach with fat and proteins such as soaked flax and chia seeds, as well as nuts such as almonds. ‘This will allow us to receive the advantages of these water-soluble vitamins and minerals – which are required every day via your food because our bodies cannot store them – without having to worry about sugar surges,’ they explained.
According to Coutinho, some people may be unable to consume fruits due to glucose intolerance. ‘Everyone is unique. However, we cannot blame the fruit, but rather our way of life in terms of how we eat them. Smaller portion sizes are essential’, Makhija finished by urging everyone to eat fruits in moderation rather than completely shun them.
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