If you suffer from sleep deprivation, try a few yoga asanas to help you feel better. Many of us have trouble falling asleep, and we regularly find ourselves tossing and turning in an attempt to get some rest.
The good news is that a simple yoga session can help us regulate our sleep patterns. Yoga does not have to be a hard, high-intensity workout. In actuality, some of the most helpful parts of a gentle yoga practise done at home are the extremely subtle and minute adjustments brought about by the poses to your body.
There are two sections to Trikonasana. Turn left first, then right. The posture is to stand with your legs 3 feet apart and perfectly straight. Stretching the legs and knee muscles is good in the triangle position. Stretch your hamstrings, calf muscles, and shoulders, as well. As a result, regular exercise would strengthen these physical parts. It helps in the reduction of stress, resulting in better sleep.
Bhujangasana is a reclining asana with a back bend. It stretches the chest, shoulders, and abdomen while strengthens the spine. The posture helps the body in releasing tiredness and tension.
The Plow Pose, or Halasana, opens the upper back and chest by stretching the spine, shoulders, and backs of the legs. It soothes the mind and stimulates the stomach organs, enabling comfortable sleep. For this pose, lie down on your back with your arms at your sides, palms down. Lift your feet off the floor and raise your legs vertically using your core muscles.
Do this while inhaling deeply. Allow your legs to sweep 180 degrees over your head until your toes touch the floor. This pose is particularly good to women who are going through menopause.
Vajrasana reduces tension and anxiety by calming us down. As a result, it makes it easier for us to get a decent night’s sleep. It also helps with digestion and belly fat reduction. It has been found to help in weight loss.
Janu sirsasana is a great stretch for stiff hamstrings and calves. The head-to-knee pose can also help to relieve stress and relax the mind. If you suffer from menstrual cramps or menopausal symptoms, this pose will provide much-needed comfort.
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