Yoga has the power to energise the body while also bringing mental calmness. Surya Namaskar is one of the most effective, common and performed asanas in yoga. It is one of the very few workouts that doesn’t require any machinery. Surya Namaskar aids in bolstering the back, joints, and muscles in general. Surya Namaskar, the term, literally translates as ‘bowing down to the Sun’.
The planet Earth gets its energy from the Sun. The Sun is involved in everything, including how we breathe, what we eat, and how life endures. This asana sometimes referred to as the ‘Sun Salutation’, consists of 12 poses that correspond to the phases of the sun.
Here are a few benefits of doing Surya Namaskar:
It reduces body weight, keeps the body-mind equilibrium, enhances the process of blood circulation, Improves digestion, Strengthens the heart, stimulates important internal organs including the spinal neurons and breathing system, provides flexibility by strengthening the knees, wrists, shoulders, spine, and many other joints, deepens the connection between the body and the mind, helps reduce stress and improve mood.
The purpose of Yoga Day is to raise awareness of how important yoga is for maintaining both physical and mental wellness. By assuaging one’s concerns and anxieties, practising various asanas and pranayama helps to calm the mind. Yoga for Humanity will be the focus of International Yoga Day in 2022. This year, the ministry has organized unique programmes specifically for the transgender community, women, and children.
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