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Know yoga poses for pregnant women

Yoga has holistic benefits for pregnant women, helping them keep their bodies healthy, their minds calm and relaxed. Yoga prepares women for labor and delivery as well as helps them recover more quickly after giving birth.

Here are 5 yoga asana that is good for pregnant women. These are recommended by Rajeev Rajesh, Chief Yoga Officer, Jindal Naturecure Institute.

Triyaka Tadasana; Stand straight and keep your feet a little apart. Interlock the fingers, raise the hands upward, and turn the palms upward. Take a deep breath. As you breathe out, bend to the right at the waist while keeping the elbows straight and your feet firmly planted on the ground. Hold your posture and breathe normally. Feel the stretch on the sides. Inhale and gently return to the original position. Repeat on the other side.

Advantages: This asana stretches the waistline and improves spine flexibility. During pregnancy, it helps relieve back pain and constipation.

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Virabhadrasana: Standing erect, spread your legs 3-4 feet apart. Turn the right foot 90 degrees outwards and the left foot 15 degrees inwards. Lift your arms sideways while inhaling so that they are parallel to the ground and in line with your shoulders. Bend your right knee and turn your gaze to the right while exhaling. By gently pushing down on the pelvis, keep your breathing normal. While exhaling, gently rise and bring your hands to your sides. Repeat on the other side.

Advantages: It develops balance, releases stress from the arms and shoulders, and relaxes the mind and body. The asana is also excellent for strengthening the lower back, legs, and arms.

Marjariasana: Standing on your knees, keep them apart a little. Bend forward and place your hands on the ground below your shoulders and in front of your knees. As you inhale, lift your head and push your lower back down. As you exhale, lift your back up and bend your head down. The practice should be repeated ten times.

Advantages: This pose stretches the spine and makes it flexible. During pregnancy, this helps support more weight. Furthermore, it increases blood circulation and tones abdominal muscles.

Baddhakonasana: Sit straight with your legs stretched forward. Join the soles of the feet by bending the knees. Ensure the fingers are interlocked and the feet are held firmly. Bring your heels close to your genitals. Take a deep breath. Keep your elbows on your thighs. When you exhale, gently press your thighs and knees towards the floor, and then let them rise.

Advantages: This asana stretches the inner thighs and pelvic region. By doing this, you improve pelvic and hip flexibility and strength. This will facilitate smooth delivery if it is practiced regularly.

Shavasana: Lie flat on your back. Keep the legs slightly apart and the hands away from the body. Raise your palms. Close your eyes and relax your body completely. Breathe gently and slowly. Do not allow any thoughts to enter your mind. Hold this position for 10 minutes.

The asana promotes a deep, meditative state that promotes tissue regeneration, relieving stress. This practice is also beneficial for reducing blood pressure, insomnia and anxiety.


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