Do you realise that consuming beetroot juice in excess can also be harmful? You did read that correctly. Learn more about the negative effects of consuming too much beet juice by scrolling down.
Risk of kidney stones
According to research, beetroot is high in oxalate and may aid in the development of stones. It increases the excretion of oxalate in the urine, which might result in the formation of calcium oxalate stones. Therefore, it is advised to consume beet juice in moderation. Additionally, you should absolutely avoid beetroot juice if you have kidney stones.
Chances of anaphylaxis
A severe allergic reaction to an allergen to which the body has developed a hypersensitivity is known as anaphylaxis. Beetroot over consumption frequently causes people to become allergic to it, which can cause bronchospasm and tightness in the throat.
Coloured stool
People may get beeturia symptoms if they consume beetroot or meals with red colouring in excess. Beeturia is a disorder where the urine or stools turn crimson after consuming too much beet juice.
Stomach upset
Nitrates which are present in beetroot can cause stomach cramps if ingested in excess quantities.
Not safe during pregnancy
A lack of energy, a headache, dizziness, and blue-gray skin around the eyes, mouth, lips, hands, and feet are possible symptoms for pregnant women who drink too much nitrate.
Harmful for the liver
According to study, consuming too much beetroot may result in the buildup of metal ions in the liver, which may eventually cause liver damage.
May cause calcium deficiency
According to research, drinking too much beet juice may cause the body’s calcium levels to drop. Women with low calcium levels are advised to limit their intake of beet juice.
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