According to a study by Harvard, researchers looked at information on the dietary habits and pregnancies of 325 women receiving reproductive treatments.
The research says, eating foods like strawberries, spinach, peppers, or grapes that are rich in pesticide residue reduces a woman’s odds of getting pregnant and giving birth by 18% and makes her 26% less likely to give birth alive than if she ate foods with less pesticide exposure.
Reduced sperm quality in men has also been linked to products contaminated with pesticides.
Is food from an organic farm safe?
While it can seem that natural pesticides are better for you, it really depends on how much of each item you ingest. For instance, a copper derivative is employed as a fungicide in organic farming. It can be toxic if consumed in excess. Pesticides act as endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and block ovulation similar to contraceptive pills.
What are some negative effects of pesticide exposure?’
Pesticide exposure has been linked to adverse reproductive effects such as
Decreased Fertility
Spontaneous Abortions
Premature Birth
Low Birth Weight
Developmental Abnormalities
Ovarian Disorders
Ovarian Cycle Irregularities
Male reproductive toxicity
Direct damage to cell’s structure
Changes in DNA structure, leading to gene mutations that
May cause birth defects or inability to conceive
?What’s the best way to prevent pesticides in our diet?
In order to steer clear from the negative effects of consuming high pesticide fruits and vegetables, they should be washed thoroughly.
In addition, eating organic fruits and vegetables, either homegrown or purchased directly from the source, is highly recommended.
Avoid selecting only dark-coloured fruits and vegetables as they often carry a higher concentration of chemicals and fertilizers.
Moreover, avoid using pesticides within your homes or in gardens and lawns.
Encourage friends and neighbors to urge pesticide reduction in schools, parks, playing fields, and other areas frequently visited by children and pregnant women.
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