Chia seeds have a number of qualities that make them perfect for people who want to lose weight, from being a nutrient powerhouse to being a food that is kind to the gut.
So, are chia seeds the miracle cure for everyone who is obese? Definitely not. Before taking chia seeds, there are a number of things to be aware of, especially if you want to reduce weight.
?Chia seeds keep you full?
According to the widely accepted belief, chia seeds keep a person for a longer period of time, which prevents the person from feeling the want to eat more. These nutrient-dense seeds take longer to digest and greatly reduce cravings, which helps people consume less calories. Consequently, this gives more time to the body to burn the calories.
Only chia seeds do not work?
Here is some pertinent information for you if you are someone who blindly believes everything you hear and read. You won’t lose weight if you exclusively eat chia seeds.
Always put an emphasis on decreasing weight while being healthy. Chia seeds should be consumed with wholesome vegetables and fruits to give the body the most nourishment possible while also controlling weight.
Beforehand soak
Chia seeds expand after being soaked. As a result, avoid eating chia seeds in their raw form. Allow it to soak for a few hours. Additionally, you can let it soak all night before eating. The fact that it can swell many times more than its size is the reason it is seen as a choking hazard.
Exercise is also required
You won’t be able to lose those additional pounds by using only chia seeds. You must incorporate exercise into your everyday schedule.
An active, fit body responds favourably to healthy diet. You cannot control your weight by only consuming chia seeds. You can begin with low-impact activities like jogging and running.
Keep the recipe simple
If you want to lose weight, do not overdo your chia seed recipe. Keep things simple and wholesome. Don’t forget to add seasonal fruits to give it a taste of the season.
Here is a simple recipe for you:
- Soak 2 tablespoons of chia seeds in a bowl of milk
- Refrigerate it
- Next morning (or whenever you have to eat it) add honey, chopped banana and fruits available in that season to the chia and milk mixture
- Do not add sugar, if you are closely watching your weight
- Mix these properly and enjoy it
- You can also prepare this and refrigerate for 2-3 days
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