Keeping romance alive in a relationship is not a herculean task. This goal can be achieved by following some simple tips.
Surprises work wonders: Give surprises to your partner.
Role reversal: If your partner does the household chores, try doing that for a week and let your partner step into your shoes. This will help you regain your interest in your partner as you will start discovering new things about him or her that you might have missed so far.
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Give your partner a chance to miss you: In a relationship boredom grows as both the partners are always together. A great way to bring romance back to your life is by planning a two-day solo trip and keeping the communication with your partner to the minimum. The experience of meeting a partner after missing him or her for a day can be intoxicatingly romantic.
Date nights: Plan a date night with your partner and meet at a place of your choice
Weekend trips: Change of environment can do wonders not only to your health but also your emotions. Plan a quick getaway to nearby locations during weekends.
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