These are the most ‘erogenous zones’ in your body

Human body has a  number of erogenous zones. Touching these spots will give maximum pleasure during sexual intercourse. Discovering these erogenous zones will lead to happy and amazing sex life.

Here are the most erogenous zones in your body:

Nape of the neck: Neck is one of the most sensual parts in body. But, the nape is centre point of all pleasure.

Behind the knee: The area behind the knee is ranked as one of the most erogenous zones in the body. There are a lot of nerve endings in this area which can ignite pleasure.

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The earlobe: The earlobe is a very sensitive place that can give maximum pleasure.

The feet: Feet is also an erogenous zone.   Several people like being touched by others’ feet or even like sucking their toes.

Inner thigs: Inner thighs are extremely sensitive. Touching  partner’s inner thighs will certainly  arouse them.

Inner Wrist: This is a very erogenous area. There are a lot of nerve-endings in this region which can arouse instantly if touched sensually.
