Dyspareunia or painful sexual intercourse or feeling pain during sex is genital pain during or after sexual intercourse. It is having persistent or recurring pain just before, during or after sex. The pain is felt in the genital region. Women can have pain externally in the vulvar region — to the labia (lips of the vagina) or at the opening to the vagina. Some feel the pain internally—in the cervix, uterus or lower abdomen.
This condition may affect the sexual life of couples. As a result of this, couples may suffer from loss of intimacy or experience strain in their relationship.
Pain during sex is more common in women. It can affect both men (male dyspareunia) and women (female dyspareunia) of all ages. The pain is often due to physical factors or medical conditions, but it can also be psychological.
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There are several types of dyspareunia:
Entry pain (intraorbital or superficial dyspareunia): This pain is felt at the entrance to the vagina during initial penetration. Some factors associated with entry pain can be lack of lubrication, injury or infection.
Deep pain (collision dyspareunia): This is pain that occurs in deep penetration and can feel worse in certain sexual positions. You will feel this pain in the cervix or lower abdomen. A medical condition or prior surgery usually causes sexual pain that occurs deeper.
Primary pain: it is pain you’ve had since becoming sexually active.
Secondary pain: it develops after experiencing pain-free sex.
Complete pain: This mean one may feel pain every time you have sex.
Situational pain: It is when the pain only happens at certain times.
Symptoms of dyspareunia:
Sharp pain during penetration or at entry.
Deep pain during thrusting.
Throbbing or aching after intercourse.
Burning pains.
Pelvic cramping.
Muscle tightness or spasms.
Here are some of the reasons you could be experiencing pain during sexual intercourse:
Vulvodynia: This disorder causes pain in and around the vulva. It is also known as vulvar vestibulitis syndrome (VVS) depending on the area of the vulva it has affected. Some people even need to opt for medication or surgery depending on the intensity.
Hormonal Changes: Sometimes decreasing levels of the female hormone estrogen may cause vaginal dryness and therefore cause pain during sex.
Vaginitis: Usually caused because of yeast or bacterial infection, this disorder may lead to pain while having sex. Contact a gynecologist if you suffer from extreme itching and irritation around your vaginal area.
Vaginismus: A reflex contraction disorder wherein your vaginal opening tightens as a reflex action and then may cause pain while having intercourse due to the inflammation caused. Vaginismus is common and can be overcome by different forms of therapy.
Lubrication: One of the most common causes of pain during sex is a lack of lubrication. Not enough foreplay may be to blame or sometimes a drop in estrogen.
Congenital abnormality: Some women who may not be born with a fully formed vagina may experience pain. Vaginal agenesis or development of a membrane that blocks the vaginal opening aka imperforate hymen may cause dyspareunia (painful intercourse.)
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