Expectations can play the role of villain in relationships. It acts as the key to success and also to failure. Expectations, if not met, can ruin even the strongest relationships. Expectations have the power to drive people apart or bring them together. In any relationship, understanding each other`s expectations is essential for maintaining a healthy and stable bond.
Dr. Chandni Tugnait, M.D. (Alternative Medicines), Psychotherapist, Founder and Director — Gateway of Healing says that the following 8 expectations that may be destroying your relationship.
1. Your partner will always make you happy: No one person can ever make another person happy all the time and it is not possible. So, expecting your partner to always make you happy is setting yourself up for disappointment. Instead, focus on finding happiness within yourself and being grateful for the times when your partner does make you happy.
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2. Your partner will never make you angry or upset
3. Your partner will always agree with you: It is also an over expectation. There may be disagreements with your partner from time-to-time. It shows that you are both able to express yourselves freely.
4. Your relationship will always be perfect: No relationship is perfect. There will always be ups and downs. There will be good times and there will be bad times in relationship. Focus on the good aspects of your relationship and try to work through the tough times together.
5. Your partner will never make mistakes: We all make mistakes and it is important to remember that your partner is human too.
6. Your partner will always be available: One of the most common and harmful expectations people have in relationships is the expectation that their partner will always be available. Everyone has commitments and obligations outside of their relationship, so it is important to respect your partner`s time and space.
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