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Australian health expert urges to ban ‘fat’ Santas as they send the wrong message and promote binge eating

Dr. Vincent Candrawinata, a health and wellness expert and researcher at the University of Newcastle, NSW, says all obese Santas should be prohibited from shopping malls because they transmit the incorrect message and encourage binge eating.

According to him, being overweight has nothing to do with happiness, and all amusement parks should advise all of their Santas to lose weight.

According to the doctor, a fat Santa will encourage holiday overeating, and he has yet to see a slim Santa posing for pictures with children.

A healthy Saint Nick should be the new standard, he adds. The origin of Santa Claus as an actual person, according to the uninitiated, is Saint Nick.

The name Santa Claus evolved from Nick’s Dutch nickname, Sinter Klaas, a shortened form of Sint Nikolaas (Dutch for Saint Nicholas).

This particular saint was known for his generosity and kindness, which gave rise to legends of miracles he performed for the poor and unhappy. As a result of his good deeds, devotion to Nicholas extended to all parts of Europe.

Dr Candrawinata says he wants to fight the stigma that one needs to eat a lot and overindulge to celebrate festivities and be joyful.


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