Sexual connection between couples fades away with time. The chemistry and relation between couples fades even if the marriage is successful and started off strong. Such a situation may often lead to conflicts between the couple.
Cuddle with them: This helps to make relationship stronger and builds intimacy. Physical closeness can pave the way for becoming more sexual with your spouse.
Talk to each other: Talking with your partner is essential to bring intimacy back in the marriage. Having an honest discussion with them wherein you talk about what led to your current situation can help you get clarity.
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Connect with your own body: You must take out time to get exercise or go indoors in order to stimulate your body physically. Such activities can help you reconnect physically with yourself and increase your desire for sex.
Kiss each other: Kiss is one of the best tools to increase bonding.
Spoil each other: To spoil each other, set aside a chunk of time when one partner has to fulfill the other’s wishes.
Establish a friendship: It is important to have a close friendship with each other if you want to reconnect with your spouse. Thus, develop a deep connection with each other. Make time for deep conversation, and be a friend to your partner. Discuss hopes, dreams, and fears together, and remain understanding and nonjudgmental.
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