Men are quite insecure about several things in their life. Several men were not able to express these insecurities at times. This can lead to severe self-esteem and confidence issues.
Here are some of the common insecurities that men have:
Relationship: Most men are insecure about their relationships.
Body appearance: Men deal with a lot of body image issues. The constant pressure to look their best at all times can be too burdensome at times. They suffer from an inferiority complex that can cause them a lot of issues.
Job security: Men are very concerned about their jobs. Job security is a very important aspect of a man’s life because a man’s identity is often tied down to his job and living.
Expressing emotions: Many men face a lot of difficulties in expressing themselves. Emotional intimacy is a big puzzle for men who have no idea how to solve this.
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Not meeting expectations: Men struggle when it comes to meeting the expectations of the people around them. Men have this inbuilt thought in them that they have to meet up to the expectations of the people around them or else they aren’t worthy at all.
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