Many people do not know that Tulsi water is good for health. The health benefits of drinking boiled water with Tulsi leaves on an empty stomach are not few. They are rich in antioxidants and help in removing unwanted fat from the body.
Tulsi water helps control respiratory diseases like cold, cough, asthma and bronchitis. Eugenol is a compound found in basil leaves. It helps in heart health.
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Tulsi water is great for lowering BP and lowering bad cholesterol levels. Studies have shown that drinking boiled water with basil leaves can help relieve various symptoms of depression such as anxiety. Tulsi contains strong expectorant and antitussive properties. It helps to suppress cough and thereby cure chronic respiratory problems.
It is very good for people with diabetes to drink Tulsi water on an empty stomach. Tulsi tea helps regulate blood sugar levels in the body.
Increases immunity and protects the body from viral infections. Tulsi is rich in iron. Because of this, it is very good to prevent diseases like anemia. Tulsi is one of the beneficial iron supplements.
Tulsi helps with digestion and stomach health. It is the pH of the body. Helps maintain balance. It also helps in avoiding gas and acidity problems. Tulsi water is a good way to prevent diabetes.
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